after a motorcycle accident in California

A motorcycle accident is a scary experience. Motorcycle accidents cause more severe injuries than a standard car accident. Additionally, some may be life threatening.

Getting treatment for injuries is priority number one after a motorcycle accident. You may not even realize how severe an injury is after a motorcycle crash. That’s why it’s important to get checked out by a doctor. It is possible to have a head, orthopedic, or internal bleeding injury that you aren’t aware of at the accident scene. Shock is powerful, especially after a traumatic event.

Motorcycle riders are especially vulnerable in crashes. Outside of the helmet, they do not have much protection from the impact.

But what should you do other than receive medical treatment for your injuries?

Taking Action After a Motorcycle Accident: Protect Your Rights and Recovery

In the aftermath of a motorcycle accident, knowing what steps to take is crucial for your well-being and future. Our compassionate team of personal injury lawyers is here to guide you through the aftermath, helping you navigate the complex road to recovery while safeguarding your legal rights.

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Steps to Take After a Motorcycle Accident in California

Call the Police

Call the California Highway Patrol or a local police department. You want law enforcement to be at the crash site to take drivers statements, measurements, and photos for an accident report. Be sure to ask for a copy of the report number. In many instances, the officer will make a determination of fault for the accident. This can go a long way to resolving a case.

Exchange Information

After the collision, exchange driver’s license and insurance information with other involved parties. To make the process easier, you can use your phone to take photos of the driver’s license, insurance, and other paperwork.

Gather Information

Take photos of the crash site and the involved vehicles. Plus find and get the name, address and phone number of any possible witnesses.

Call Your Insurance Company

Fill them in on the details of the accident. No matter who is at fault, your insurance company will need to know what happened. Do NOT contact the other party’s insurance company unless it is for property damage. The opposing insurance company can use statements you make against in the claim process.

Contact a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

A personal injury attorney with experience in motorcycle crash cases can make a big difference. They will help as you file a claim and try to get fair compensation. Having dealt with similar cases, they have the knowledge and tools to ensure fair treatment from the insurance company.

The moments and days following a motorcycle crash are crucial. You must take steps to protect yourself and ensure you are eligible for compensation you are owed.