how do I know if I have a dog bite case

In 2022, nearly 49,000 Californians sought medical treatment for dog bites. These bites can cause deep cuts, severe bleeding, and dangerous infections. 

California law allows dog bite victims to seek compensation for their injuries. However, many victims wonder, How do I know if I have a dog bite case?

If you have questions like this, contact the Beliz Law Firm. We are a premiere California personal injury firm and can help you seek compensation for your injuries. 

When Can I Sue for a Dog Bite?

In general, dog bite liability falls on the dog owner. This means the owner can be held financially responsible for any medical bills, lost wages, or other damages caused by the bite. 

California Civil Code 3342 establishes strict liability for dog bites. This means the dog’s owner is liable for the damages suffered by any person bitten by the dog while in a public place or lawfully on private property, regardless of the dog’s past behavior. This law offers important protection for dog bite victims, but it doesn’t provide automatic compensation. It’s crucial that you work with a lawyer who can investigate the bit and seek fair compensation.

How Do I Know If I Have a Dog Bite Case?

Dog bites can be a traumatic experience, leaving you with physical injuries and emotional distress. While every situation is unique, there are some key factors that can help you understand if you might have a case for compensation.

Physical Injuries

Assess the severity of your injuries resulting from the dog bite, including puncture wounds, lacerations, infections, nerve damage, and scarring. Seek immediate medical attention to document your injuries and receive necessary treatment. Remember that even seemingly minor bites can lead to complications, so it’s essential to take all injuries seriously and seek appropriate care.

Financial Damages or Other Losses

Beyond the physical injuries, consider any financial losses stemming from the dog bite. This could include missed work due to recovery time, medical bills not covered by insurance, or damage to personal property. These losses can be factored into your case, and a lawyer can help ensure you receive fair compensation for the financial impact of the bite.

Evidence of the Incident

You must have evidence to build a strong claim. This can include:

  • Medical records documenting your injuries and treatment, 
  • Witness statements from people who saw the attack, 
  • Pictures of the bite wound, 
  • Prior bite records, and
  • Receipt for out-of-pocket expenses.

It’s best to keep records of all documents that relate to your dog bite. Your lawyer will want to review these and see if anything helps support your claim.

Unprovoked Attack

In many dog bite cases, provocation can be a defense used by the dog owner. This means the dog owner might argue that your actions caused the dog to act aggressively. However, if you didn’t interact with the dog or do anything abnormal, it strengthens your claim that the owner failed to control their animal.

You may still have a valid dog bite claim even if there was some provocation. That’s why it’s best to speak with a lawyer to see if you can receive compensation.

How The Beliz Law Firm Can Help

Our experienced dog bite attorneys understand the physical, emotional, and financial impact these incidents can have. We’re dedicated to fighting for the compensation you deserve. Here’s how we can assist you:

  • Assess the strength of your case. We offer a free consultation to review the details of your dog bite and provide a clear picture of your legal options.
  • Gather evidence. Our team will work diligently to collect all essential evidence, including medical records, witness statements, and photos of the attack, to build a strong case.
  • Take legal action. If necessary, we’ll handle all legal proceedings on your behalf, ensuring your rights are protected throughout the process.
  • Recover compensation. We’ll work hard for a fair settlement offer from the dog owner’s insurance company or pursue legal action to recover the compensation you deserve for your injuries and losses.

We know what qualifies for a dog bite case and what doesn’t. Call our firm today to discuss your legal rights.

Speak with a California Personal Injury Lawyer

California law protects dog bite victims. If you’ve been bitten by a dog and suffered injuries, you have the right to seek compensation for your damages. However, you can’t do this alone. An experienced California personal injury lawyer at the Beliz Law Firm can help. Our team has recovered millions for clients and will never stop fighting for you. 

Call our office today to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.