Roadways, Freeways, and Highways

Any roadways, freeways or highways, where we travel on are high-risk for car accidents. The most common type of accident is a rear-end type. Rear-end collisions happens when traffic ahead slows down and a distracted or speeding driver is unable to stop in time causing a crash with the vehicle ahead.

Rear-end auto accidents may happen at any point on a roadway, freeway or highway. However, drivers should be especially alert for slowing or acceleration of traffic while entering, exiting or merging onto a highway. At these particular points on a highway, there may be sudden slowdown or speedup so the need to be alert and cautious should be high.

Another area of high concentration on freeways is near the carpool lanes. In Southern California there are double yellow lines next to the carpool lane, leaving drivers with a short window to enter or exit the lane. There is a possibility that drivers may need to accelerate or decelerate quickly to merge with the oncoming traffic, which may cause car crashes with inattentive drivers.


Intersections are also high-risk locations for car crashes. Any intersection is a location where accidents may likely happen. Like on roadways, freeways, and highways, the majority of the crashes at intersections are rear-enders. This is due to the fact there is an element of braking at an intersection. A driver needs to pay attention and be aware of any intersection for the possibility of sudden stopping of vehicles.

Another reason for accidents taking place at intersections is due to the right-of-way of vehicles. If there are no traffic control devices like stop signs or signal lights, drivers have to determine at the time of approaching the intersection which vehicle has the right-of-way before proceeding. When there is a collision with on-coming or cross-traffic, the best way to determine which car had the right-of-way is with an independent witness of the accident.

Even traffic control devices do not always eliminate the matter of the right-of-way. Intersections with a left-turn lane but no green arrow may be especially dangerous. Drivers in the turn lane need to wait, watch on-coming traffic pass by and judge when it is safe to turn. This added risk of judgment makes these types of intersection see high car accident rates.

At any type of intersection, drivers may blow through a stop sign or red light to cause a collision. For this reason of human error, intersections are a high-risk area for accidents.

Parking Lots

Parking lots and other areas with high-pedestrian traffic can be extremely risky. With pedestrians walking with possible items in their hands and vehicles moving backward to exit a parking stall, there are ample opportunities for disaster.